Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greeny Fargyles

I needed to make a present and knowing the owner had small size 7 feet rather than my very large size 11 feet I felt it was a quick gift making.

Jacki's Farglyes came to my attention and I had just the right wool Jolly Jumbuck Oregon in Freya . It was a second but couldn't really see the errors in it. I made short ones in the hope i could make myself something out of it cause I love it.

I love the pattern and they were knitted up in a weekend. I will be honest and say the cabling without a cable needle had me stumped until I had done a couple of repeats.

It was hard to gauge the size since no one in our house is a 7. Morgan is an 8 and she is only 10.5years old so we just had a tight squeeze.

More happenings in my world

The other week I had finished the Clapotis and wanted something a little smaller to work on and found these gorgeous strawberries.

I thought "my kids won't play with them but they would be fun and make a great gift". How wrong was I. I ended up making 6 strawberries, 1 peeling banana, 1 pear, 1 carrot, 1 Celery and some corn. It took up a few evening but Flynn would go to bed and ask me "what food you make me nite mummy". So cute and he and the girls have had fun with them all.

It has come to my attention that i am ...............


So no I haven't fallen off the face of the earth I have just been really busy and not much time for blogging and didn't think many people read it LOL.

So what has been happening between work, volunteer work, study , kids and stuff I have not much time for knitting and stuff but I do manage to get a few FO off the needles.

So I guess you wanna see.