Friday, November 13, 2009

Xmas is coming............

Today is the Adelaide Xmas pagaent and usually we make the journey and have a great morning BUT this year with a forcast of 39 degrees we have decided to give it a miss. BOO HOO.

Flynn has gone for his first big sleepover at Grandmas and Aunty Jo's . He was very excited and so was I but I sure do miss my little man.

Before he left yesterday he went to playgroup where they had an open day. Facepainting, games etc. Total fun really. I didn't see him but suprisinly Flynn got his face painted. He NEVER gets that done, doesn't like facepaint or masks generally but yesterday he suprised me. All the other boys wanted to be scary or transformers but Flynn choose to be a "leopard" NOT a tiger ( I called him that ) LOL. Didn't actually see him but daddy sent me a photo on his phone.

Flynn is just a charming boy who is not like other boys doesn't like superman, transformers, batman, bakagun thingy. He loves dora, diego, roary, finley the fire engine. All the calmer toys. He never fights back if one of the other boys hit him , which is good for now. I wonder if it is his nature or the fact he has two sisters and we don't encourage it.

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